For a personal touch, this flower arrangement is perfect for a powder room, vanity area or woman’s bedroom.
A framed reproduction of a classic piece of artwork partners up with a vintage 1950 lizard handbag touching that special place in a woman’s heart as a remembrance of things past.
MATERIALS NEEDED (for Flower Arrangement)
- Vintage handbag
- Handle, if missing (mine was a chain)
- 2 Oasis
- 2 1/2 “ standard hair pins
- Selection of artificial flowers, leaves, berries, twigs
- Pebbles
- Moss
- Skewers
- Weigh down the purse with pebbles for balance
- Wedge oasis into purse, trim off excess
- Skewer oasis, if needed, to hold pieces together
- Arrange the artificial flowers
- Secure moss with 2 ½” hair pins, carving the oasis
- Attach handle to purse if needed
MATERIALS NEEDED (for Framed Artwork)
- Frame (mine is 12” x 14”) with glass
- A copy of a classic art piece (mine is Van Gogh Sunflower)
- Mat board
- Mat knife
- Spray paint (mine is chocolate color)
- Fine steel wool
- Glazier push pins
- Put glass aside for later use
- Lightly sand frame
- Spray paint, let dry
- Cut mat board for art piece
- Tape art piece into mat opening
- Put glass, matted art piece and cardboard backing into place
- Secure all with glazier push pins